We are an ocean science communication initiative
We believe it’s time for a new voice.
Forget the stodgy, archaic methods of communicating science. We are creating a different genre of science communication. One that embodies modern culture and creates a social media network of ocean advocates. Science communication that breaks the mould and reaches the people who have the power to make real change. YOU.
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The Problem
The ocean is in trouble. Have you heard?
Our ocean is under threat. And do you know what makes it worse? Most people don’t know. Or they don’t care. Maybe you saw Blue Planet. Caught a glimpse of the news. Scrolled past a climate change post on Facebook. Heard something about ditching plastic straws. Perhaps you’re even aware that the ocean is f*cked. But the truth is we’re all just so overwhelmed by information that we just forget.
We are all online. 24/7. And somehow, the important stuff just slips through. You know, the real, life-changing, planet-saving stuff. The problem isn’t just that science isn’t communicated – it doesn’t reach enough people.
Our Strategy
Create informative and engaging content which informs the general public about ocean issues.
Give a voice to the ocean and its inhabitants.
Spread ocean conservation as far and wide as possible, and promote behavioural change.
Work with other organisations to create targeted, thematic campaigns and projects.
Encourage the next generation of ocean warriors.

Our Partners
The Marine Diaries is supported by numerous businesses and organisations, who help us continue on our mission to give the ocean a voice. We are also part of a number of networks and support the activities of other like-minded initiatives who are helping the ocean. Find out more below.
Corporate Sponsors
Through the 1% for the Planet network, Mint Interactive supported The Marine Diaries through their annual 1% commitment in 2022 and by designing a bespoke e-learning course (coming soon!).
Albatross kindly donated $5 from every razor sold during Plastic Free July in 2021 to The Marine Diaries.
Through the 1% for the Planet network, Aluna Coconut is supporting The Marine Diaries through their annual 1% commitment in 2023.
The Hidden Sea supply The Marine Diaries with wine for events and giveaways. They are committed to removing the equivalent of 1 billion plastic bottles from the ocean by 2030, through the sale of their wines.
Jungle Culture provided an in-kind donation of plastic free products to The Marine Diaries in 2022 as part of their annual contribution through 1% for the Planet.
WaterBear is the world’s first interactive streaming platform dedicated to the future of the planet. The Marine Diaries has joined the network as an impact partner, sharing our content and projects with viewers.
Mossy Earth is on a mission to rewild ecosystems, support biodiversity, and fight climate change. Join as a member with the code MARINEDIARIES to plant 8 extra trees!
Giving young people access to the ocean, and the confidence to explore it, is vital in inspiring the next generation to protect marine life. That’s why The Marine Diaries has teamed up with Dive Project Cornwall as a media partner.
The Marine Diaries is a Guardian for Ocean Culture Life - a global community of storytellers, photographers, filmmakers, conservationists and ocean lovers.
Golden Buoy produced a collab tee to promote The Marine Diaries’s work. Buy one and spread the ocean conservation message far and wide!
Cyan Planet creates immersive media experiences (AR, VR, 360⁰ video and games) that connect people with the ocean. The Marine Diaries has joined them as an Impact Partner so we can continue to create new ways of communicating ocean science.
The Marine Diaries is an NGO Partner with Earth Org. They unfold the truth about climate change through data-driven journalism.
The Marine Diaries is part of the EU4Ocean Coalition, set up by the European Commission. This coalition aims to increase ocean literacy across Europe.
As an official supporter of Stop Finning EU, The Marine Diaries calls on you to sign the petition to end the trade of shark fins from Europe.
As a member of the Transform Bottom Trawling coalition (by Blue Ventures), The Marine Diaries is calling for bottom trawling to be urgently tackled by all coastal nations.
Connecting People With The Ocean