Please note that all contributions are voluntary. There are no financial remunerations for submissions of any content published by The Marine Diaries.
Write for us
Got a passion for the marine environment? The Marine Diaries is a place for ocean enthusiasts to share their stories, research and opinions. Whether you’re a scientist, diver or just have an interest in the underwater world, we welcome the raw and real experiences. And we want to share yours…
Successful contributions are informative, engaging posts that teach our readers something new about the underwater world. Not a professional writer? Don’t worry, our awesome editorial team are on hand to make your article the best it can be!
Check out our current article series below, and download our ‘Write for Us’ guide. Then get in touch with your topic proposal or draft submission.
Please note, we have currently paused all publication on our blog.
BE interviewed
If you want to share your story, highlight your work or shout about your fantastic marine organisation, we want to hear from you!
Interviews are generally sent in written format, but if you’d prefer to chat to one of our lovely editors over a video call please let us know.
Let us know what you’d like to be interviewed about by getting in touch.
Please note, we have currently paused all publication on our blog.
Are you camera savvy but want more people to see your shots? We are always on the hunt for beautiful images of marine life to showcase on our social channels and in our blogs.
Contact us to let us know what images you have.
You will always be fully credited wherever your photos are used.
Join our team
We are always on the hunt for enthusiastic individuals who can help us by volunteering their time. Check out our open positions, or drop us an message via the contact form. No open positions that take your fancy? Let us know what you’d be interested in doing for us - we would be glad to have a chat!
Don’t fancy a long term commitment? Why not complete an internship with The Marine Diaries.
Seas The day
Times are tough for our oceans, and we need to Seas The Day and act now to conserve them. Uncover the methods, technology, and policies, now and of the future, that are creating hope for the world beneath the waves.
Highlighting the key threats to our oceans, including pollution, habitat destruction, overfishing, warming and acidification, this series also reveals insight into how we can make a difference.
Climate change can be a heated topic, which is why we’ve dedicated an entire series of our blog to the investigation of ocean warming. Will the impacts of our warming seas be “Too Hot To Handle?”
into the industry
Ocean-related jobs can be extremely diverse. Looking to start an ocean career? Discover the daily lives of marine professionals, from aquarists to researchers, campaigners to eco-artists…and much more!
behind the lens
Ever wondered what life is like Behind The Lens? In this series, we take a sneak peak into the lives of those who capture the underwater world on film.
blue missions
As efforts to save the ocean have increased globally, so has risen the number of organisations dedicated to protecting our blue planet. In this series, we explore the work and missions of Non-Profits, NGOs and other organisations.
plastic not fantastic
It turns out, plastic isn’t quite so fantastic… We highlight some of the most recent discoveries in the world of plastic pollution, hear from individuals in the field tackling the issue, and showcase ways in which you can help combat the plastic plague.
spotlight on sealife
In this series we celebrate the creatures that inspire our love for the oceans and encourage us to fight for their homes. Follow this series to uncover lesser-known facts about well-known marine life, and discover weird and wonderful marine animals that you may have never come across before.