The Marine Diaries
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The ocean is in trouble. Have you heard?

Maybe you saw Blue Planet. Caught a glimpse of the news. Scrolled past a climate change post on Facebook. Heard something about ditching plastic straws. Perhaps you’re even aware that the ocean is under threat. But the truth is that somehow, the important stuff just slips through. You know, the real, life-changing, planet-saving stuff. Our ocean is under threat. And do you know what makes it worse? Most people don’t know. Or they don’t care. It isn’t just that ocean science isn’t communicated – it doesn’t reach or engage enough people.

We’re here to change all that.

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The Marine Diaries’ Adventures


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The Marine Diaries relies on the generosity of our donors to continue our mission. We are working towards a future for the oceans and encouraging positive attitudes towards marine life. We cannot do it without your help.




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